There is a who’s who of crypto and if you know, you know.
The cryptocurrency network extends far and wide, yet feels like a small world to those who are in it. Chances are that if you have been in the cryptocurrency community for even a short period of time, you have likely met some of the key players and got to know the fundamentals fairly quickly.
BUYMINERS.CA has been at it for the better part of a decade, supplying individuals and businesses with high-quality equipment to perfect their mining rigs. Our journey continues as a slightly different type of broker: one of information.
We want our clients to be as informed as possible about the crypto community and how to best invest in their crypto businesses. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, but crypto tech is growing quickly and it’s becoming harder to stay up to date when it comes to legitimate ways to be more efficient at mining.
So, without further ado, we’re launching our Crypto Ecosystem Spotlight Series, where we introduce our clients to our friends in the industry, each of whom is responsible for making mining safer, easier and, best of all, more profitable.
Understanding immersion cooling
We’ve mentioned SCATE Ventures in our blog posts before and, before we were friends, we were their fans. The team at SCATE is in the immersion cooling business. While they are certainly not the first to do it, they might be the first to perfect it with their US warehouse hosting facility boasting of a new patent-pending method of cooling known as the Hash Box System.
If you are new to the cooling game, immersion cooling is a different animal from fan cooling. The process, as the name suggests, involves the immersion of your crypto miner in a non-conductive fluid meant to cool it. As you know, the always-on nature of the hardware produces a lot of heat which, if not properly ventilated, can result in down-time due to reboots or damage to the equipment in a worst-case scenario.
The beauty of immersion cooling is that it is consistent and far more profitable than standard cooling systems. For one thing, it increases the lifespan of the miners by providing a tailored environment where heat is constantly being extracted from the machine. Then there’s the increased output and efficiency, with immersion cooled miners producing anywhere between 25-55% more hash power.
Now that’s just standard immersion cooling. The key differentiators for SCATE are their location and patent-pending method, the Hash Box System.
Get to know SCATE Ventures
From an operation confined to a garage to a 50,000 square foot facility in Washington state, SCATE has grown faster than crypto itself.
The team has perfected immersion cooling through a painstaking iterative R&D process which has resulted in the Hash Box System. It has all of the benefits of regular immersion cooling: you submerge your machine in fluid and get peak performance from it. The Hash Box System is slightly different. First, the fluid solution is unique to the market. The ingredients are a trade secret, but suffice it to say that it wasn’t developed overnight and has, thus far, proven to be a game changer in the cooling sphere.
The system allows each machine to be tuned individually. Though every S17 is the same, it’s not really the same, know what we mean? The fact is that things like temperature and flow rate need to be tweaked and managed to get the maximum hashrate from each miner.
The Hash Box System means each machine is in its own perfect underwater home, with an environment tailored specifically to its needs. No more grouping machines together in tubs. Instead, every miner gets the desired amount of cooling fluid with the perfect flow. SCATE’s method claims to prolong the life of the machine and provide higher returns than ever before.
Think of it this way: older systems have one flow speed and temperature, making it inefficient to put S9 miners with S19 miners. The Hash Box System solves that problem with unique environments for each machine, maximizing output from each one.
This combined with their location in the United States, offering close proximity for observability, makes SCATE a unique and powerful player in the crypto world.
Why is all of this important?
In a word: scarcity.
The halvening is inevitable and the further into the mining process we get, the harder it will be to optimize your mining scheme. You will need to invest more time, more money, and more energy into your rigs. SCATE’s methods are an investment in future proofing your profits. By that we mean, more hash power, less capital expenditure, and longer lifespan of your equipment.
Then the added factor of dealing with a US-based company that just invested in 50,000 square feet of space.
SCATE is here to stay and their Hash Box System of immersion cooling may very well become the standard for the industry. For now, however, it’s very much the envy of the competition.